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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Des G

Dear Des, 

Happy Valentine’s Day to my favorite face!! I think you need a love letter this year and I am so happy that I am the one that gets to send it to you!

First off, I want to tell you how very sorry I am for always being so hard on you and not giving the love, attention  and respect that you so obviously deserve.  You have the strength of a thousand men and have proven time and time again that nothing and no one can bring you down or alter your course to the stars. When you were facing the darkest moments in your life, you searched and found the light and managed to keep on moving despite the adversity, the roadblocks, and the heartache. Seems like you have been picking yourself up by your (fashionable) boot straps for so long now that it almost seems like second nature to you I’m sure. I have watched you deal with the loss of a parent…. the tragedy of heartbreak…and the realization that not everything will work out the way you want, but it works out nonetheless. You carry your family’s problems and worries on your shoulders and have had to make inexplicably hard decisions in that area since you have always been deemed the ‘strong one’ and your family knows that in you they have the strength and heart to make it through the toughest of times. I know that you have spent countless sleepless hours, which no one knows about, worrying about your family and friends; trying to please everyone…..Sometimes succeeding….Sometimes pleasing no one, but in any event, everything you do is always with the best of intentions and you need to remember that when no one else does. 

I’m sorry for feeding your mind with thoughts that you aren’t pretty enough or slim enough or smart enough or talented enough to do what you want and be who you are; when in all reality....you are so amazing!! I hate that when you look in the mirror you only see what you perceive as ‘wrong’ when there’s so much that is right.  I know you struggle with your outward appearance and have stopped going out and stopped searching for the spotlight because you don’t know how you would look under it. Sweetie, you radiate something that can’t be found or seen by the ordinary and when you walk in a room, people do notice. It’s in the eyes… always has been. Des, I have been a witness to your continued growth and evolvement over the last two years and I am so proud of the things that you have accomplished and are still working on. The Decadent Diva is such a great blog and I’m so glad you found your voice again!! Now use that voice..….find that spotlight and SHINE!! This year is your year, and I can’t wait to see what you bring to the world with the talents that God has seen so fit to bless you with. 

I know you have been lonely and that only feeds your self esteem and self doubt, but you are loved by some pretty awesome people and you need to start allowing them love you and accept and be comfortable with their compliments and sentiments, because you ARE worth of them and never doubt that you are.  I’m glad you wised up about certain guys and have adjusted what you will accept in a relationship! That was a HUGE step for you and I only hope that you keep that in mind when allowing the next man in your life.  There will be someone who will not only love you for who you are today, but who sees the potential in who  you can be and wants to journey there with you. Although for now, it’s more important for you to love yourself, so that when this man does walk into your life, you are ready. 
Just remember, there’s no reason to look back anymore because you have survived your past already… and it’s time to embrace your present and future. I love you and wish you the best in whatever you do and wherever you go.   You are my ROCKSTAR DIVA luv!! 


"Give light, and the darkness will disappear of itself." - Desiderius Erasmus


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Anonymous said...

I want to send this letter, almost word for word, to so many women in my life who I love. I feel like you really expressed what a lot of us feel inside, and it is nice to know that we are not alone. You are beautiful, and that true beauty shines in your word!

Maria K. said...

This one is amazing! I agree with Aimee - this should be on a poster and hanging in every woman's house.

Des said...

Awww thank you ladies :)
I've been writing this letter.. just different versions, for years now.. it was nice to finally complete it and start living by it!!
xoxoxo to your lovely faces!!

Anonymous said...

You ARE beautiful, inside and out Des. I love your letter, and hope the real power, goodness, and light in you will be able to overpower and overcome all the hard stuff in life.

Cathy said...

I LOVE IT. Your letter is how all women should feel about themselves. All too often we are our own worst critics especially when it comes to the way we look. We are far to willing to let other people dictate how we should look and feel instead of embracing the beauty that is already there.
Thank you for sharing your powerful words with me. Shine on my friend!

Lydina A. said...

Heck ta the YES! Word!!! <3 it! <3 it! =)

Amen sista!

Leila H said...

As amazing as this letter is, so is the person behind it! Having to struggle with depression myself, I forget how important it is to love myself! This letter expresses how we should treat ourselves daily and remember how wonderful it is to be a strong, independent and beautiful woman!

LITTLEwing said...

Des, Reading this had warmed my heart and made me stand a bit taller. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings. I see that we share some of the same thoughts and feelings. You're beautiful, strong and talented. Don't ever forget that. Thanks to your letter, I won't forget that about myself either.
Hug hug, kiss kiss.

Des said...

Hey Lei... you are such an amzing strong woman!! i am so proud to have you on my friends list!!
I think you are one of the strongest ladies i know... raising that baby all by yourself!! Thanks so much for your kind words and i hope to see a Leila letter someday :)

Krista K. ♥ said...

Des!! I am at a loss for words. This was the BEST letter I have read, not only to YOU, but to myself as well. As a woman who struggles with outward appearances and self-esteem as well as self-love, I can read these lines as if I'm telling them to myself. You are beautiful, talented, so very good with your words. I know sooooo many women who could benefit from hearing these things you have said to yourself. I think you already know how I feel about ya.. but if you dont, know that I am inspired by you. I am in awe of your strength. I am empowered by your words. I am thankful to have you in my life, even if its just in my facebook life. Cuz lets face it, facebook IS my life lol. YOU are absolutely AMAZING! ♥♥ Love and light my beautiful friend!

Nicole M. Carollo said...

Nicole said... what a beautiful letter. I started to cry because it describes me and my life in so many areas. I have learned to lean on God's everlasting arms and trust. Des, Aim for that big beautiful moon, but if you miss It's great because you fall among the amazing stars. I know I am among the stars and I love it. Love you! Keep shinning!

GrittyVelvet said...

Desipoo, your words are so inspiring honey. I am so proud of you, and how far you have come. Thru the adversity and pain, you now stand stronger than ever. I love and cherish the woman you are.

GrittyVelvet said...


What a wonderful letter! You have come such a long way thru the adversity and pain. You have emerged into this beautiful butterfly, and it is really admirable.

I have always loved you for who you are, and I am so happy to see that you can finally see what a gift you are to this world. May the Lord continue to bless you in so many ways.

All my love,

Anonymous said...

That was the most inspiring th ings i have read in quite a long time!!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings!
You are an amazing woman!

MissJess said...

Wow, Des, I'm impressed so by your letter...so much of it could have been written to me. Keep focusing on loving yourself, and the rest will come! :)

Dawn Swanson said...

This is beautiful Des! You are a strong gorgeous woman and I'm so happy that you found a voice to tell yourself that. I think we all need to now and again, sometimes we forget how amazing we all are. Thank you for letting me read it. You are so inspiring. Its truly very lovely! Way to go!!!

Anonymous said...

I hope you live by every word you wrote. It was beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with me.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing! May God bless you on your journey!

Dulcet Bella said...


Let me just start off by saying that YOU are one of the most inspirational people I've met. Even though our chats are random, I have found you to be one of the most honest, big-hearted, thoughtful and CREATIVE individuals I know.

You are a BEAUTIFUL person both inside and OUT. Here's a secret.. we are all learning how to appreciate ourselves as an individual. Criticism of self, unfortunately, is a part of life and we all try to break away from it...so know that in most of us, you always have someone to talk to and share your fears and concerns with because chances are we all feel or have felt the same way at one point. It makes me happy and proud to see you growing and appreciating who you are as a person.

My favorite thing about you lady is your smile, laugh, creativity, and to be quite honest your GENUINENESS. I am BLESSED to be able to call you a friend.

~ Karina

Alicia said...

It takes a lot of guts to articulate a piece of your soul and your plight...and then to share it. Thank you, Des.

Your words are full of alma, strength, beauty, and light.


Amber said...

I love this so much, Des! So inspiring. <3

Rashlien said...

Thanks for sharing insights into your head. Everyone should take the time to be honest with themselves and really analyze their lives (and thoughts) the way you did..it's one of those liberating things:)

Anonymous said...


Anasa Naturals said...

Love this sis! Keep your head up and keep loving YOU!

The Greatest Person in Your Life…is You!

Give to yourself enthusiastically.
Treat yourself with generosity.
Forgive yourself completely.
Balance yourself harmoniously.
Trust yourself confidently
and completely.
You know what’s right
and you know what’s best for you.
Listen to your own small inner voice;
don’t ignore its urgings.
Above all, love yourself wholeheartedly…

Just remember, you’re working
to improve you.
And what person in your life
is worth working on more?
Take good care of yourself.
You’re important to the entire world,
but more importantly…
you are important to YOU!

~ Wally Amos

Anonymous said...

You're such an inspiration! You most certainly do deserve the best and should accept nothing less! Love it!

PJ said...

Very inspirational words. It shows you truly don't need a "significant other" to be surrounded by love. Amazing...


Anonymous said...

There's no love greater than self-love.
You are beautiful, inside AND out.

APQ said...

I'm so proud to have you as my daughter and watch as you grow into such a wonderful and amazing woman .
keep on your path and everything you want will fall into your lap!

Unknown said...

Hey Des, just wanted to stop by and show u some love...that was absolutely BEAUTIFUL! luv u;) Chantelle

Anonymous said...

No words of mine could say more than yours did =)
love you friend!

Des said...

I can't tell you all how extremely touched i was to read all of your comments... wow. like i said in my letter.. i am surrounded by some pretty awesome people!!!
I love each and every one of your beautiful and handsome *wink* faces!! :)
THanks a million for being a good part of my life LOL.. serious.

Natasha aka Natykinz said...

Dez that was absolutely beautifully put! I love your letter to yourself!!!! I can definitely relate to some of the things you touched on and I almost started crying when I read it ;-) lol I've known you were beautiful since the very first day I met you at "Dil-Lards" lol I am so happy for you that you've taken your journey in life and have started to find how amazing you are ,that's awesome! Keep up the great work and I look forward to hearing more. <3 U

Anonymous said...

I think every woman should sit down and compose a letter to herself. You obviously put a lot of thought into that, and it was beautifully written. I hope you meant every word because when you start getting down on yourself, read it! Believe it, girl! You are BEAUTIFUL!

Anonymous said...

Totally awesome! this letter should be applauded, to be able to put your feelings into beautiful words like that is truly a gift. I look forward to seeing more of your inspiring words. truly great!

Anonymous said...

Des, as someone who strongly believes in embracing the process more than the goal, I say… Way to Go! There’s power in realizing that life is a spectrum; no need for labels, as all things are always changing. Labels (good or bad) just serve as impediments to our continued momentum. Freedom, is owning, with full love and acceptance, who you are now, and being absolutely jazzed, every day, with who you are becoming. Well done! And count me as a friend, always, along your journey.

Anonymous said...

It takes a lot of courage to dig into your insecurities and face them head on. I commend you on that!

Dom A. said...


This is so inspiring. Not just yours, but every single woman who has participated. Just another example as to why women are amazing and life givers. Thank you for sharing...

Anonymous said...

Des; beauty goes deeper than the eye can see, it is what is in the heart that matters and some day we will all be judged on the heart. The heart reveals many things that that the eye can’t see and what is in your heart accounts for more than anything else. People can say things that hurt to you or just call you names that have no bearing on who you are. The Lord has made you who you are Des and you should know that he knew you before you were born, which means he has a perfect plan for you if you seek Him in all things. So just remember one thing Des, God has made you perfect and precious in his site and nothing can change that as far as it is from the east to the west.

Anonymous said...

Des; beauty goes deeper than the eye can see, it is what is in the heart that matters and some day we will all be judged on the heart. The heart reveals many things that that the eye can’t see and what is in your heart accounts for more than anything else. People can say things that hurt to you or just call you names that have no bearing on who you are. The Lord has made you who you are Des and you should know that he knew you before you were born, which means he has a perfect plan for you if you seek Him in all things. So just remember one thing Des, God has made you perfect and precious in his sight and nothing can change that as far as it is from the east to the west.

Anonymous said...

This blessed my day! Your words hit the nail right on the head.
Thanks for the great read and inspiring words.

Mariana said...

Thank you for saying the words so many of us women forget to say to ourselves. As females we encounter so many adversities in society and your letter reminds us to acknowledge our self worth. Very inspiring!


Phyllis D. Quintana said...

I know why you feel what you do about yourself. Even though it saddens me. I learned that you will chase that dream forever, you will always be hard on yourself, it will never be good enough and happiness will be illusive to you.
I have watched you evolve into a remarkable women. You are an inspiration to so many, including me.
Your are strong willed, loyal, beautiful (inside and out), passionate and love with a purpose.
I have been blessed since the day you graced my world.
You are my friend!

Anonymous said...

You have been my friend for years, but it wasn't until this very moment that i got it. You are the 'bees knees' as you like to say! =P

KS said...

You certainly ARE a DIVA Rockstar!! I love you!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful letter! Desiree, don't lose sleep over the things you can not change.. remember that!!
Great Job!

Anonymous said...

you amaze me everytime i turn another corner. Strength and beauty are yours des, embrace it beautiful ;)

Christina said...

Wow. I love it!! It's time to sing a HAPPY song now Des.. you deserve that.

Anonymous said...

Well said young ladee...now make it an everyday thought.

Anonymous said...

Des - What an absolutely amazing letter. It took courage and strength to write that and let others read it. I can just imagine the fear that was there when you started and how powerful it must have been to finish. I hope others are able to gain strength, inspiration and hope from your beautiful words.

CAPONE aka suzy aka bff said...

I LOVE you SUZY!!!!!!!!!!!
dont know what id do without you!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What an inspirational letter!! Loved it!! You are an amazing and beautiful gal! God bless!!

Unknown said...

Wow Des, That's an amazing letter!! You are soooo… right about loving yourself 1st. May god be with you!! Lory

mike g said...

That is a great letter, there are a lot of things that apply to so many people. It takes someone that is real and knows themself to write a letter like this to themself. And you did a wonderful job.

T said...

Amazing Letter!!!

LALA & RICKY said...


Anonymous said...

love to read this it makes you wanna open your heart to allow who you are and be happy with your self before you can live a life with out regrets. some one who has so much confidence in themselfs make them that much more inspiring.

Anonymous said...

I'm left speechless

Anonymous said...

Amazing letter Des! So many of your words ring so true for me as well. You are a remarkable woman! Love your laugh and your smile and the wittiness you bring each day.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful letter with me.

Your Forever Friend said...

all of the prior comments,together, above me couldn't express the way you have touched my heart! Keep your head up and the world is yours! "inner Beauty" is right, XOXOXOXOXOXO

sdvl007 said...

Powerful words. Eloquently written. Positively empowering.

Anonymous said...

Just another example of your talents ... like everything you do.. it's inspiring and should be shared with the masses!! Perfect piece Des

Anonymous said...

You don't have to look for the light, you ARE the light in the darkness!
I thank you for the words that i needed to hear! Powerful.

Jenny said...

What an inspirational letter!!
I wish i could vote a million times ;-)

Rizzo said...

This is a very beautiful letter! I love you even more for opening up and sharing this not only with yourself but with all of us. :) Love.

Rizzo said...

This is a very beautiful letter! I could not have chosen any better words. I love you even more now for not only sharing this with yourself but with us as well. Amazing. Love.

Anonymous said...

I see your inner beauty everyday and i am glad i get to witness your continued growth, it's been beautiful to watch des!!

Anonymous said...

How powerful and beautiful!

Nat said...

Des you are a BEAST! i love it!!

Pumpkin Pie :) said...

Get it DES!

Anonymous said...

I can't begin to tell you what your words did for my day... just when you need to hear something; there it is!
Good Luck!!

your 'other' sister :) said...

i VOTE you Des, that was super!

Gabe said...

You got this DES!!

Auntie Andie said...

i love you neice . you are beautiful!

Benito said...

Way to go Des!

Anonymous said...

This could be a letter to ME. You rock for saying what we all need to hear.

Bobbo said...

That's so dope! Right on des

uncle Beno said...

Well said kid.

Iman Woods Creative said...

Des, this letter has been haunting me since the first time I read it. Reading it feels like you are speaking to ME. It's hard to talk about the rough spots. But it makes the smooth ones SO smooth. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Your letter....thank you for being able to be so honest and hopeful all at the same time. Though what you said is so personal it can reach so many people. Thank You

Debbie said...

Great letter Ms Des

m&m said...

This us so amazing! Love it and lovey ou

Anonymous said...

Wow is all I can say ;)

aunie Ronnie said...

You have a gift for seeing thru the BS ;) don't ever lose that

Vanessa said...

Proud of you for lookin inward for the beauty that always existed!

Anonymous said...

Words to live. By for sure!!

Grandma Meema said...

Well, my beautiful granddaughter, you have such an incredible ability! Not only are you a beautiful writer, you have an inner beauty that shines and has the propensity to reach across continents. I love you, I can definitely relate to what you have written, and I am so proud of you. I love you my princess.

fran said...

Sky's the limit Des!

Anonymous said...

If I could comment as eloquently as you wrote that letter I would, but BEAUTIFULwill have to suffice!! Love you girl!

Nelly said...

Quite simply you are the best

p.a.q said...

I love you sister!

Taryn said...

That's what up friend!

Jess said...

Wise words from my wise friend ha ha so inspiring

Alicia said...

That's the Des I know n love

Anonymous said...

You could've put my name in this letter, that's how close to home you hit ;) thank you for sharing!

Auntie Stevie said...

Beautifully stated ...your journey will be a blessed one!

corrina said...

You need to send this women a over, it's words are universal.

Anonymous said...

Damn Des I didn't know you had it like that! Awesome letter for sure

uncle Martin said...

well well well!!!Love you niece

Anonymous said...

Writing my own letter now! Thank you for the nudge lol

Anonymous said...

Writing my own letter now! Thank you for the nudge lol

Anonymous said...

Good luck Luv!

Anonymous said...

One of the greatest challenge is to live YOUR own life. Dream it, define it, and run with it!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this last night! Touched more hearts than you know

Vanessa said...

These words were to awesome to not be shared. You have shined a light on feelings and attitudes that have forever changed the way i feel about myself and other women as well, i thank you Des i lou!!

Anonymous said...

as your mom said; you most certainly graced this world! You amaze me at the most random of random moments Miss Gonzales!!

J said...

It's a pleasure to see how far you have come in such a short amount of time, and i look forward to seeing what you have up your sleeve next! Love your bravery and strength to let people read your thoughts and feelings, it takes a special heart to do that!

Anonymous said...

Oh my Gosh that was awesome! I vote you win :)

alicia said...

I'm glad to know i'm not the only one who feels this way!!

Des said...

If i didn't know how loved i was before... well hell.. i certainly do now!! thank you all so much for taking a few minutes and reading my letter... i hope that you looked all of these strong and beautiful women and recognized their struggles and over comings as well!! they are all super de duper!
xoxo's to each and everyone of you :)

Des said...

Also, a HUGE shout out and *hug* to MS Iman Woods!!! your beauty and heart have been so inspiring to me! thank you for being YOU!

Des said...

hahahaha I guess in the spirit of which this was written... i vote for MYSELF !!!!
I mean normally i would say that would be presumptuous, but in a contest where self love and support is the theme.... wouldn't voting for one's self fall under the same umbrella???

Des said...

In the same manner.. i would also like to explain how deeply that his letter writing has affected my life!! seriously... i have seen such a difference in attitude towards myself since then...that i look back at some of the things i accepted prior to this .. and i just shake my head!!
"Loving oneself is the beginning of a life long friendship" has certainly rang true and i'm excited about the journey ahead!!!

Unknown said...

I vote For Des!

Unknown said...

Good luck Des! I vote for you :)

Iman Woods Creative said...


Thank you for putting your heart and soul into this, that's why you're already reaping the rewards. Please reread this letter every day.

Unknown said...

Vote for My Desi!!!

Unknown said...

Vote for My Desi!!! You are so Beautiful my daughter!!

Unknown said...

I Vote for My Desi!!! I love you daughter!

Unknown said...

Vote for My Desi!!! You are so Beautiful my daughter!! I love you

Anonymous said...

Des! This is AWESOME! I hope you win!!!



Anonymous said...

LOVE this face!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Beautiful letter from a beautiful lady.

Anonymous said...

*Fingers crossed for you lady*

Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Unknown said...

I am Voting for my Desi Lu.... again!! Love you!

Unknown said...

I am Voting for my Desi Lu.... again!! Love you!

Unknown said...

Love you daughter!

Anonymous said...

Des, i'm amazed at your words!

CAPONE aka suzy aka bff said...

I love you and vote for YOU SUZY CHAPSTICK!! jajajaja

CAPONE aka suzy aka bff said...

I love you and vote for YOU SUZY CHAPSTICK!! jajajaja

CAPONE aka suzy aka bff said...

I love you and vote for YOU SUZY CHAPSTICK!! jajajaja

nat said...

I vote for my Sister! BEAST!! lol

Anonymous said...

Vote Vote Vote Vote for this amazing letter!

KS said...

You are my sunshine...and your words like a sunshower! Beautiful doesn't cover it!

Anonymous said...

Love and Light to you beautiful!

KS said...

Des Des Desiree!!

KS said...

Des Des Desiree!

Angela said...

Oh my what an amazing letter you have written Des, i'm inspired to do the same! Good Luck Petal!!

Angela said...

Oh my what an amazing letter you have written Des, i'm inspired to do the same! Good Luck Petal!!

Angelica said...

I don't know how many times I read this and thought of myself. This was very inspiring, Des. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

i liked your letter a lot Des!! i hope you win, you deserve it!

Anonymous said...

i liked your letter a lot Des!! i hope you win, you deserve it!

your 'other' sister, again said...

Good luck Des! I vote for you :)

your 'other' sister, again said...

Good luck Des! I vote for you :)

Anonymous said...

So Proud of you and your voice!! Keep up the good work!

Taryn said...

Wow! you are the shit! (sorry for the profanity ;) ) Love ya Desi

Anonymous said...

I vote Des a million times over!

Alicia said...

This letter is like looking into my own head and realizing that each one of us are amazing and beautiful.

Alicia said...

This letter is like looking into my own head and realizing that each one of us are amazing and beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Desiree G For President!!! HaHa

Anonymous said...

i didn't know you had it in you ms G!! I'm amazed at your wide range of talents!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i didn't know you had it in you ms G!! I'm amazed at your wide range of talents!!!!!!

Jessica said...

i sent this letter to a friend of mine who is going through some personal problems and an abusive relationship, and she was so touched by your words it brought tears to her eyes and started her thinking about HER own worth. Random words with a specific purpose!! Thank you for both of us!

Gabe said...

AWESOME!! Vote for Des G!!

Anonymous said...

Great letter and Great BLOG!!
Impressive :)

Anonymous said...

I will be anon just for the voting!!
i love you D!!

Carrie said...


Anonymous said...

Very inspiring!

Maria said...

That was incredible!

Anonymous said...

You Need to win for these magnificent words and thoughts and now actions!!
Keep up the positive thoughts!

Corinne said...

I love that you are at this point in your life, it means many beautiful things are to come!!

Carrie said...

Manera de brillar

KS said...

This letter needs applause and flowers to accompany it ;)

M & M said...

Good Luck Des!!!

JJG said...

God isn't finished with you yet, remember that as you journey in life. =)

Anonymous said...

Voting for you again ms Des!! YES!
Glad we can vote more than once too.

Your Forever Friend said...

Sometimes the universe blesses you with sunshine and a great friend; you are that for me.
Thank you for the times we have shared and roads we have traveled. i love you.

APQ said...

I vote for you everyday in everything you do!

Anonymous said...

Spring is always a great time to do something like this... sets the tone for the rest of the year for you! Good luck with the voting :)

Dawn said...

i'm sitting here nodding my head at every sentence and just in awe that it came from someone i know and love so much! You're my desi des always!!

Des said...

Oh and don't forget to check out my bloggy blog as well!!

www.thedecadentdiva.blogspot.com (mouthful i know, but sooooooo worth it ;P )

Anonymous said...

Looks to me like you are already 'winning'!!
Best of luck to you

Anonymous said...

Looks to me like you are already 'winning'!!
Best of luck to you

Ricky n Lala said...

Love you Friend!!

Larry said...


larry said...


Val said...

I love this ... can you write me one?? :)
I do love it seriously! Impressive!

Anonymous said...

Brilliant Des, Brilliant!

Robert said...

I wish you all the LUCK in the world!

an admirer said...

it was your inner beauty that attracted me to you!
your outer beauty is just a plus ;)

Mom said...

Looks like it's time to take the 'bull by the horns' and start living the life you were meant to live! Congratulations on finding your voice, I've missed it!

Anonymous said...

Win it Des, you got it!

Tim said...

I'm so impressed with you! Go Des =P

Linda said...

Dream big and only accept the best!

Anonymous said...

Des G!

Anonymous said...

I Vote for You! i vote for YOU!
Marvelous Letter!!

Anonymous said...

Des G!

Anonymous said...

DEs g!

Anonymous said...

Des G!

Anonymous said...

I'm speechless!

Robert said...

My vote is IN!

Anonymous said...

Des g

Anonymous said...

Des g!

Anonymous said...

Des G!

Anonymous said...

Des G!

Anonymous said...

Des G!

Anonymous said...

A pleasure to see you transform and grow, it has truly been heart warming to watch

Anonymous said...

Des G!

D said...

Another Vote for Desi DEX (insider)

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