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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Elena C

Dear Elena,

I honestly don't know how to start this letter to you, that is the truth. I don't know if i need to tell you all the things that I have wanted to tell you for the past 32 years or do I tell you the things that you might want to hear. I am not sure if the brutal truth is something that you are ready for. As, I wrote this I had tears in my eyes for the pain of knowing what you have been through. So, please remember to not shut me out and to listen for I fear if you don't then you might lose yourself forever.

Well,I am here to tell you even though the circumstances that you were born into were not like most others. You were wanted more than anything in the world I know this. For when I look at the precious angels that I have there is no doubt that you weren't loved. You were given a second chance at life with the one person who has been there to hold your hand throughout most of your life. Take pride in knowing that the sacrifice that your birth parents made was the right choice and no matter how hard you wish it to be another way at times you are better for there sacrifice of love and life for you.

You were given the best family on the world for you. They love so deeply and unconditionally it is scary to those around you. For others often wonder why and how a family can be so tight. Hold onto that love for it will get you through almost anything. I know that right now you are heartbroken over the loss of your mom, she was and is truly proud of you. Now hear me when I say this there is not a day that she didn't love you and not a day went by that she didn't tell others of all the things that you have accomplished. Yes, she is proud of you and only you can take credit for that. Without your papa, mom, and brothers you would not be who you are today.
Remember that every painful moment that was handed to you, well simply said makes you a stronger you. Your hubby is right when he said that he married his best friend for there is not a moment that his love is not shown for you(except maybe when you drive him batty) I know that you at times have doubted how and why you were so lucky to meet your other half that has always loved you for you. Now it is time for you to do the same...

I have never met anyone that is so willing to love those around you that at times it hurts to see the pain that it might cause when you see them hurt in anyway. It hurts to see you put yourself aside as if you don't mean anything. Elena, you are loved, you are worth it and you're AMAZINGLY strong! Do not ever give up on yourself for I have not.

All those painful moments of not being able to protect yourself from those that sought to hurt you and humiliate you. Those moments were your turning point... you decided then that no matter what in life was handed your way that you would never lose sight of who you are. DO you remember that promise you made yourself? I do I feel that I need to remind you so here it goes. You promised to always believe that you are a child of God, you are beautiful inside and out, your laughter or smile can light up a room full of 2 people or a room of hundreds, you are Forgiving no matter what , you love with no limits or expectations, you can always see the greener side even when there is no grass, you are funny, you make people want to be better. You are that person that people will remember for the fact is you are a good, honest, loving person.

So, ignore the love marks that your children have left on your body and know that you are beautiful even on those days that you feel that you aren't. Remember that you have 4 people that need you and love you more than you can comprehend. Yes, I sound as if you should be a bit conceited. We all should, for beauty really comes once you have become your own best friend.
Last but not least I love you and I stand amazed at the trials that you have overcome and not once have you failed at being you. So, keep up the fabulous job and remember that God doesn't make no junk! You are loved more than these words can ever truly make you realize. Chin up,shoulders back stand up straight and be Proud of who you have become.

I love you!(don't forget to tell yourself these words often)




BBC said...

what a great letter! very inspiring!

Linda Palepoi said...

This girl is amazing, I hope she knows it!

Unknown said...

i love you woody. and i miss you too.

Carrie said...

This is a great letter - I love it!

Vera said...

Elena...what a beautiful woman you have become..I love you so much and yes...you have overcome much these past few years. I have watched you struggle and grow through each of these phases and I am so so proud of you....not only as a daughter, but one of my very best friends!! Always remember its the cracks in the pot that let the sunshine in!!

Sherri said...

This is such a beautiful letter, Elena. I'm thankful you shared it with us.

Louise said...

Elena: This letter is an awareness part of your life. I hope you know how very loved and special you are. You are beautiful in both mind and body.

Hoping to Adopt said...

You are a beautiful woman! I am honored to be your friend. What a great letter. Love you, April

Anonymous said...

What a great letter to remind yourself to never stay down and to always look up and take whatever is to come your way next with open arms. It is very clear that whatever it might be, you have what it takes to overcome and carry on! You are Awesome!!

Tamra G said...

This is a testament to the AMAZING lady you are!!

Linda said...

Do yourself a favor and listen to this woman, she's awesome!

Nani said...

Thanks for having the courage to be such an inspriation to the rest of us!

Nani said...

Thanks for having the courage to be such an inspiration to the rest of us!

April said...

Love this! What a great idea! I think we ALL should write a letter to ourselves!!

Seriously said...

I don't know you that well Elena... but I have ALWAYS admired you! Thank you for sharing such a special piece of you.

Anonymous said...

This letter is inspiring and beautiful it makes me think about my own situation and being strong. I love you.

Scott, Mandi and the boys said...

Elena!! You are truly amazing!! You are such a great example to others!! I love you and value our friendship. Wish we were closer!!

Brande J. said...

Beautiful letter!!! You are amazing.

Don't Blink said...

Loved this...

Anonymous said...

Truthfully written. Well done.

Emily said...

Beautifully stated Elena!

Reina said...

Elena, you are amazing. I loved reading your letter. You're an beautiful, strong person!

Nikki said...

That is beautiful, and so are you both inside and out. All of your struggles have made you the wonderful person that you are!

Jessica said...

I love your letter Elena. It's inspiring to me that you are able to take the trials you've been through in life and turn them into positive change and acceptance. The things that don't kill us only make us stronger and you are a beautiful, compassionate, capable and one of a kind mother, sister, daughter and friend. I'm thankful to have you in my life.

Laura said...

Elena, Thank you for taking the time to write and share your inspiring letter! It not only gives you hope and strength, it gives us all hope and strength too. You are a beautiful young lady with a strong spirit and you have a special ability to touch the hearts of many people.

We are the Clarks! said...

You are awesome Love it

We are the Clarks! said...

You are awesome Love it

Unknown said...

You are a beautiful woman who inspires with your kindness, your limitless care to your family and those lucky enough to be among your friends, and your ability to stay true to yourself! Thanks for sharing your heart in your letter! I am blessed to know you and hope you always know how amazing you are!

Iman Woods Creative said...

Elena, this is an amazing tribute to mothers and daughters everywhere, both by blood and by choice. You are a product of much love. Gorgeous.

Unknown said...

Inspiring, true, honest, and lovely. Thank you for sharing.

Unknown said...

Elena,I read a few of the other letters and they were good, but yours is better. You have become a great example for all of us and I am so grateful to have you in my life. I am very proud of you and your family. You have done so many things for so many people, both of our moms would be so proud of the woman and mother you have become. The world is a better place because you're in it. I love you so much, thank you for being you.

Anonymous said...

Elena, I LOVE your letter! It takes grace and courage to share so much.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and inspiring. You are.

craigort said...

I second what your brother said!!!! 8-)

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